Kingswood Works will provide flexible and affordable space and business support as well as the facilities and amenities for micro, small and medium sized enterprises, and the modern buildings and infrastructure needed for larger businesses and organisations.
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Our Place acquired the “Kingswood Works” site previously known as “Adversane Field” (located on the east side of Stane Street opposite the caravan park) from Chichester College Group in 2018. The site benefits from an Outline Planning permission for commercial premises which will provide significant employment opportunities in the locality.
Our Place’s ultimate aspiration is for Kingswood Works to be fully integrated into Kingswood Village and is currently included in the illustrative masterplan for the Kingswood Village development. At the current time, Horsham District Council have yet to reach a decision on allocating our Kingswood Village site within their draft Local Plan, and in the event that Kingswood Village is not recommended for allocation, Our Place will seek to preserve the value of Kingswood Works as an employment site. In order to preserve value Our Place is obliged to submit a “Reserved Matters” planning application. This essentially comprises further details of the proposed development that Chichester College Group sold to Our Place, including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and this has been submitted to the Council.
This includes the following information :
Planning Statement & Design and Access Statement
Architectural drawings illustrating the proposed site layout, building footprints, elevations and materials palette
Landscape masterplan and summary of impact and mitigation proposals
Technical report updates or comments in relation to any refinements from the previous stage, including transport, energy strategy, drainage masterplan, arboriculture and ecology
Notwithstanding the information provided at the Outline Planning consent stage, the planning process requires further technical information to be submitted. At this “Reserved Matters” stage Our Place are submitting significantly more detail to inform the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the proposed development.
Visual Context
The two illustrations help to convey the scale and character of the proposed development. View 1 is directed South-East at a point around the main access to the development. This captures the significant landscape improvement planned adjacent to Stane Street and illustrates the three commercial buildings in the background. View 2 is directed South-West (at a point East of the development, closer to the railway). This part illustrates the proposed internal layout of the development and the scale and character of the commercial units. The layout and the illustrations demonstrate the importance Our Place give to the landscape & character and subject to allocation of Kingswood Village in the Local Plan, our Place would further develop the design to provide an integrated development for both schemes.
View 1
6 large employment building ranging in Business Class Use “B1C, B2 and B8” and each providing employment space in the range of between 1,500m2 and 3,705m2
Materials palette and design to follow a clearly “West Sussex” aesthetic
Fully sustainable buildings proposed including increased use of recyclable materials, air source, solar panels, green roofs and increased building thermal performance
Built form and mass softened as result of proposed tree planting and vegetation and these mature
Landscape buffers have been increased and building footprints reduced in size
Landscape buffer along edge of Stane street which provides significant mitigation of the proposed development
Retention of seasonal wet areas adjacent to Stane Street and significant tree / shrub planting proposed and wildflower meadow